Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
Prof.Dr. Medhat Mohammed Abd ElMoneim Farag ,M.D
Personal Data:
-Name:Medhat Mohammed Abd ELMoneim Farag
-Nationality: Egyptian
-Professor of Medical Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
-Mobile No. 00201093696556, 00201156893462&
-Date of birth: 24/07/1956, Mansoura,Egypt
-M.B.B.Ch,Benha faculty of Medicine, Benha University,December 1980
-M.Sc in Medical Biochemistry, Benha faculty of Medicine, Benha University,october 1986
-M.D. in in Medical Biochemistry, Benha faculty of Medicine, Benha University,November 1990
Clinical and Teaching Experiences
-Administrator in Medical Biochemistry Department, Benha faculty of Medicine, Benha University ,1983-1986
-Assistant Lecturer in Medical Biochemistry Department, Benha faculty of Medicine, Benha University, 1986-1990
-Lecturer in Medical Biochemistry Department, Benha faculty of Medicine, Benha University, 1990-1995
-Assistant Professor in Medical Biochemistry Department, Benha faculty of Medicine, Benha University, 1995-2002
-Professor in Medical Biochemistry Department, Benha faculty of Medicine, Benha University, 2002 till now
Experiences outside Egypt
-Professor of Medical biochemistry in Arab Medical University, Beneghazi, Libya 2005-2011
-Professor of Medical biochemistry in Al- jouf University, College of Medicine 2011-2017
- Professor of Medical biochemistry in Shaqra University, College of Medicine March 2019 till now. Supervisor of Basic Medical Science department at Shaqra College of Medicine .
Coauthor in books of Medical Biochemistry & practical medical biochemistry for first and second years, Benha faculty of Medicine, Benha University
Researches Supervision
See appendix
Attended many conferences in Medical Biochemistry , Clinical Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Clinical Pathology
1) Workshop on Medical Education: 30 hours 8/10/2011-12/10/2011
2) Workshop on Saudi Digital Library: 8 hours 7/6/1433-8/6/1433
3) Member of Accreditation & Quality Assurance Committee
4) Organizer of Cardiovascular Block : 4/2/2012-28/3/2012
5) Evaluator of Scientific Researches Introduced from Students at Al-jouf University
6) Workshop on Health Education: 4hours, 29/5/2012
7) Organizer of Cardiovascular Block 26/01/2013-20/3/2013
8) ندوة عن الإخلاقيات الحيوية مع المادة الوراثية
9) Workshop on up to date 24-4-2013
10) ندوة عن خطط جامعة الجوف عن الجودة و الإعتماد الأكاديمى
(11 المؤتمر العلمى السابع لطلبة وطالبات التعليم العالى ببالملكة
جامعة الجوف 5/07/1437
Inside or outside Al Jouf Universityy |
Country |
Place |
Organized by |
Date |
Title |
Number |
Inside |
Al-Jouf |
Saudia |
College of Medicine Al-Jouf |
9-10/04/2014 |
12) المؤتمر الطبى الاول لكلية الطب بجامعة الجوف 9-10/4/2014 |
Inside |
Al-Jouf |
Saudia |
Ministery of Health |
19/02/2013 |
8) ندوة عن الإخلاقيات الحيوية مع المادة الوراثية 19/02/2013
13 |
Inside |
Al-Jouf |
Saudia |
Al-Jouf university |
10/03/2015 |
How to make Questionaire |
Inside |
Al-Jouf |
Saudia |
Al-Jouf university |
25/02/2015 |
IMss product portfolio seminar |
Inside |
Al-Jouf |
Saudia |
Al-Jouf university |
9/2/2015 |
Course specification and course report |
16 |
saudia |
2 hours |
كلية طب الجوف السعوديه |
11/1/2017 |
Manuscript preparation:General view of the reviewer &plagiarism). |
Saudia |
2 hours |
كلية طب الجوف السعوديه |
21/2/2017 |
Summarizing data:Mean,Media,SD,IQdata:Mean,Media,SD,IQR |
saudia |
I hour |
كلية طب الجوف |
11/04/2017 |
Key performance indicators benchmarking |
19 |
saudia |
I hour |
كلية طب الجوف |
18/04/2017 |
Test of significance and hypothesis testing |
20 |
saudia |
2 hours |
Community College ShaqraaUniversity |
1/4/2019 |
Introduction to E-learning |
21 |
saudia |
2 days |
College of medicine Aljouf |
16-17/4/2019 |
Fourth training workshop |
22 |
Saudia |
2 days |
Shaqraa college of medicine |
6-7/o7/1440 |
معرض جامعة شقراء المجتمعى الاول |
23 |
saudia |
One day |
Shaqraa college of medicine |
9/09/2019 |
اهمية النشر فى قواعد البيانات العالمية ISI |
24 |
2 days |
Shaqraa college of medicine |
12th-13th/11/2019 |
Designing assessment for a course |
24 |
Saudia |
2 days |
Shaqraa college of medicine |
30-31/12/2019 |
Workshop of writing course specification & report |
25 |
Saudia |
2 days |
Shaqraa college of medicine |
17-18/12/2020 |
Workshop of academic accreditation |
26 |
Clinical Interest: Molecular Biology
Membership of Organization :
Medical Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Society, Cairo, Egypt, since 1990
الابحا ث :المقدمة من الدكتور مدحت محمد عبد المنعم فرج
1) Some Liver Enzymes and Iron indices in Toxemia of Pregnancy Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 14(3)1992
2) Serum Osteocalcin as a marker of bone Dynamics in The Elderly New Egy.Med.J.: 8(2) 1993
3) Serum Chromium, HDL-c and ApoA1 in Diabetic Patients Benha Med.J.10(2) 1993
4) Vitamin E and Selenium in Diabetes Mellitus.Benha Med.J.10(3) 1993
5) Effect of Lithium on Some Neurotransmitters of Brain Tissue Homogenate In RatsBull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 13(2)1993
6) Hormonal Profile in Idiopathic Melasma.Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 14(1)1994
7) Pituitary Ovarian Axis in Women with Chronic Renal Failure undergoing Regular Hemodialysis.Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 14(1)1994
8) A Study of The Effect Of Hypoalbuminemia And Renal Failure On serum Fructosamine in Non Diabetic Individuals Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 14(1)1994
9) Study of The Level of Proteins And Complement-3 in The Serum and Ascitic Fluid in Cirrohtic Patients associated and Not Associated With Bacterial Peritonitis.Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 14(1)1994
10) Study of Sialic Acid In Myocardial Infarction.Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 14(1)1994
11) Study Of Erythrocyte Membrane Lipid Peroxidation in Diabetes MellitusBull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 14(1)1994
13) Serum Lp(a) Lipoprotein Concentration in Type 1 Diabetes With 12) Study Of Erythrocyte Membrane Lipid Peroxidation in Myocardial InfarctionMicroalbuminuria .
Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 14(1)1994
14) Study of Plasma Magnesium In Type 2 Diabetes.Mellitus.Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 14(1)1994
15) Biochemical Study of Saliva in Juvenile Chronic Arthritis, Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 14(1)1994
16) Pituitary Testicular Axis in Men with Chronic Renal Failure undergoing Regular Hemodialysis.Medical Scientific J. 11(5) 1994
17) The Diagnostic Value of Pleural cholesterol in The differentiation Between pleural Exudate and Transudate .Medical Scientific J. 15(6) 1994
19) Estimation of Serum Glutathione Transferase in Premature Neonates By Modified Method, Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 16(2)1996
20) Study of Interleukin -6 and Glycosamine in The Synovial Fluid of The Knee in Early Experimental . Osteoarthritis,Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 16(2)1996
21) Renal Transferring Handling in Adriamycin & Puromycin Induced Nephrotic Syndrome,Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 17(1)1997
22) Vitamin D3 : A possible Preventive Effect on The Development of Experimental Diabetes in Rats .Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 17(2)1997
23) Oxidant / Antioxidant Imbalance in Bronchial Athma : Study of The Effect Of antioxidant Therapy, Tanta Med.J. 27(1)1999
24) Renal Malonaldehyde , Glutathione & Glutathione Peroxidase in Rats With Mercuric Chloride Induced Renal Damage : A Possible Prophylactic Effect Of Vitamin C.Egypt.TMed.Sci: 19(2) 1998
25) A Possible Explanation For Decreased Catecholamines Secretion In Chronic Diabetic RatsBenha Med.J.15(1) 1998
26) Study of Some Trace Elements In Amniotic Sac in Toxemia of Pregnancy ,Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 18(1)2000
27) TNF-α in NIDDM: Obese & Non Obese Persons .Benha Med.J.18(3) 2001
28) Prognostic Values of High Plasma Vitamin C Concentration At Birth Associated With Low Antioxidant Activity in Preterm Neonates, Benha Med.J.18(3) 2001
29) Increased Expression of BcL-2 Protein in Uterine Leiomyoma Relative To Normal Myometrium Bull.Egypt.Soc.Phsiol.Sci: 20(1)2001,
30) Investigation Of Biological Activity of Some Nonpolar Iron Amino Acid Chelates,Pakistan J. Of Nutrition 6(4)2007
31) Evaluation of body Iron and Oxidative Stress Status in Smoker / Hypertensive/ Diabetic Patients Suffering Acute Myocardial Infarction Episode,Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences,vol 4,No 1 2011
32) Ferritin and Erythrocyte Lipid Peroxidation in Acute Myocardial Infarction in Libyan diabetics,Libyan journal of Medical Research,vol 7,No2 2010
33) Study of the effects of varicocelectomy on some sex hormones in oligospermic and azospermic patients.Benha Med.J.16(3) 2000
34) Serum Prolactin Level in Non Insulin Dependent Diabetic Patients With and Without Retinopathy, Aljouf University Medical Journal Septemper 1,2015, Volume(Number 3)
35) Erythrocyte Membrane Lipid Peroxidation in Recently Diagnosed Essential Hypertensive Patients, , Aljouf University Medical Journal,June 1,Vol( 3),1:2016
36) Cytoprotectant and Anti-Oxidant Effects of Olive Oil on Cadmium Induced Nephrotoxicity in Mice, Open Journal of Pathology, 2018, 8, 31-46
36) Cadmium-induced hematological, renal, and hepatic toxicity: The amelioration by spirulina platensis Mahrous Abdelbasset Ibrahim, Abdulrahman Hamdan Almaeen, Medhat Abd El Moneim, Hany Goda Tammam, Athar Mohamed Khalifa, M Nura Nasibe. The Saudi journal of forensic medicine and science January-April 2018, 1(1):5-13
37) Protective Effects of Blackberry Juice against Cisplatin-
Induced Testicular Toxicity in Rats: Up-Regulation of
Bcl-2 Proteins and Androgen Receptors. International Medical Journal Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 584 - 589 , October 2020