About the Unit
The Dean of the college established the Quality & Accreditation Unit in the academic year 1439-1440 H.This unit is related to The Vice Deanship for Development and Quality. Professor Mokhtar Guerfel has been appointed as head of this unit.
Excellence in quality and academic accreditation of Afif College of Education.
Disseminating of quality culture among all staff members and students within the CEA and Applying national and international educational quality standards.
In order to improve and develop the educational environment.
The unit aim to complete the self-evaluation processes and to assist the departments on application of quality standards in performance, thereby contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the college strategic plan, and to improve the level of outputs by achieving the following objectives:
- Promotion of quality culture in the college.
- Achievement of national and international accreditation for academic programs.
- Contribution to the achievement of the college mission and objectives.
- Quality assurance of educational programs’ implementation.
The tasks of this unit consist in:
- The dissemination of quality culture and the evaluation of staff performance
- The implementation and the follow-up of evaluation and academic accreditation
- The development and implementation of strategic plans for the college
- Collecting data on an ongoing basis for quality activities
- Documenting efforts and results in all activities of the quality and academic accreditation.
Committee Structure
- Head of Quality & Accreditation Unit (QAU)
- Committee Members
- Head of the unit: Dr. Mokhtar Guerfel