About the Unit
The scientific research is a unit, which seeks endeavours to promote scientific research at the college level to reach the local and international leadership through the development of plans and executive programs that organize research work for students or and faculty members. It also seeks to develop and support the dissemination publication of scientific research in order to raise the efficiency and effectiveness of faculty members.
Creativity and leadership in the fields of scientific research in the departments of the college (mathematics and English law and accounting)
Create an appropriate environment for scientific research and dissemination of culture among faculty members and students.
-The Scientific Research Unit aims at summarizing what is stated in the Law of Organizing Universities and the Executive Regulations and the decisions of the Higher Education --Council regarding research of faculty members.
-Adopting unified principles to control the mechanisms used in the college to record, monitor and invest in its outputs.
-Research contributes to solving the problems of society.
-Providing an information bank linked to the university's digital library to ensure the quality of scientific research.
-Preparation of a scientific research manual at the college.
-Utilization of expertise from within the college and university and external expertise to develop the capacity of faculty members and students in scientific research.
-The formation of research teams comprising a number of researchers to carry out research works that serve the community.
-Conducting and disseminating publishing scientific research of quality, originality and innovation to achieve the objectives of building the knowledge society economy.
-Supporting scientific research and motivating faculty members and their counterparts and students to publish in authoritative scientific journals.
-Engage students in scientific research in order to prepare them for the requirements of the new labor market.
-Strengthen collaboration with national, regional and global research centers through joint research and exchange of knowledge and experience.
-Establish a database on scientific research, researchers and graduation projects.
-Supervising the annual "Scientific Research Day", where workshops on the basics of scientific research and open meetings are held
-Supporting the holding of scientific conferences, conferences and workshops related to the competences of the college and the requirements needs of the community.
-To support and encourage faculty members and students to attend participate and to participate actively in local and international scientific gatherings in order to improve the -quality of knowledge achievement and openness to other universities and their diffusion publishing of knowledge and research strategies.
-Prepare periodic reports on scientific research activities in the college and submit them to the faculty's representative.
-To carry out any other tasks assigned to it in its field of competence
The unit Structure
Dean of the College
Vice Dean the College
Head of the Unit
The staff of the unit are faculty members and students
Head of the unit
Dr. Khaled Maadi