Contemplating the reality of our beloved Kingdom, one finds many practical initiatives and scientific theses everywhere which have adopted the application of quality concepts in the education system. The quality of education is based on four basic elements: the educational system including the quality of the teaching materials, its methods, the teacher, and the curriculum; the administrative system supporting the educational system; the social system of the student and the teacher; and finally the techniques and tools produced by the culture of quality in the educational environment and its role in ensuring sustained improvement. The emphasis on building an internal system for quality assurance is the driving force required to effectively push the college education system to achieve the mission and goals of the college. By this, the College is going to play its role in supporting the mission and objectives of the university and achieving global leadership and excellence in building a society of knowledge. This cannot be accomplished without the contribution of the college administration and its various departments to put a strategic plan that develops teaching and learning processes. As a result, arises the importance of establishing the development and quality assurance deputy in the College of Science of Humanities and other colleges in Shaqra.
The development and quality assurance deputy was established in order to invest the technical efforts in supporting the administrative and academic agencies in the college to achieve quality assurance processes and procedures within the college, to coordinate and follow up the improvement plans, including the dissemination of quality culture, and to establish a mechanism to identify the expectations and requirements and level of satisfaction of internal and external customers of the university, including students.
The Deputy will work with great diligence and determination to implement the highest standards of quality within the framework of its strategic plan derived from the strategic plan of the University, which has developed a map for the future that is going to put the university, in the willing of Allah, on the path of national, regional and global competition.