a) Head of the Departmental Council:
- Arrange meetings and writing reports.
- Prepare and maintain a proper record relevant document.
- Coordinate and provide required documents to committees.
b) General Responsibilities of the Departmental Council:
- Advise on academic issues and propose solutions;
- Recommend and approve graduating students for submission to the College Council and the University.
- Recommend and approve students’ issues for submission to the College Council and the University.
- Recommend issues related to student’s assessment policy of the program (Theory and lab courses assessment methods and the respective weightages).
- Approves measures related to graduation project, engineering training, scheduling and exams, surveys, other academic issues.
- Approve action of the respective academic advisors and their concerns related to academic advising and distribute students among academic advisors in the department and announce this in students' schedules.
- Approve and recommend issues of the transferring student.
- Approve measures related to quality of the program and for continuous improvement for ABET and NCAAA accreditation issues.
- Update and submit recommendation for approving the College Guide, Program Study Plan, and Courses syllabi as and when required.
- Recommend the College for purchasing latest textbooks, and any other issues related to the office supplies, stationery, photocopying, as well as related to the quality Display Room.
- Recommend actions of the Industrial, Student and Alumni boards to the College Council and the University.
- Recommend issues related to scientific research to the College Council and the University.
- Recommend faculty recruitment and other faculty issue to the College Council and to the University.
- Recommend and initiate Graduate Program in Civil Engineering