Career Day
Research Day-2023
The College of Medicine and Scientific Research Unit at Shaqra is pleased to invite medical & health care students [Medicine, Pharmacy & Applied Medical Sciences] for the abstract submission for the 'Research Day-2023' sponsored by the Honorable University President Prof. Ali bin Mohammad Ali Alsaif.
The ‘Research Day-2023’ will be held on 4th May 2023 (Thursday) at the Administration Building, Ground Floor, Shaqra University.
Online Abstract Submission Link:
Last Date of Abstract Submission: 8th April 2023.
Research Day-2022 Glimpse
Research Day 2023 Themes
1. Non-communicable diseases.
2. Communicable diseases.
3. Maternal & neonatal and congenital disorders.
4. Drug design & development: Drugs from laboratory to clinic.
5. Patient safety, medical ethics, and healthcare quality.
6. Medical Education.
7. Mental Health.
8. Smoking, Chemical & Radiation hazards.
Guidelines for Abstract Submission:
- Applicants must be students/interns from the College of Medicine, Shaqra; College of Medicine at Dawadami; College of Pharmacy at Dawadami; College of Applied Medical Sciences at Shaqra, Dawadami, and Quwaiiyah.
- The students who would like to present their research/review/case-study work (published OR completed) at the Research Day-2023, through an oral/poster presentation, are invited to submit an abstract for consideration by the Scientific Committee.
- The research study has been done as per the ethical guidelines of the DSR.
- The abstracts from each theme will be selected for the oral presentation as per the scoring merits of the scientific committee.
- Only students allowed to present oral/poster presentations who are one of the authors of published or completed research/review/case-study articles or work.
- The oral presentation time for each selected student is 10 minutes.
- All selected posters for the poster presentation should be displayed in the designated place.
- Abstracts should be submitted in clear English to allow the reviewers to focus on the scientific content of the abstract.
- The first/presenting author is responsible for ensuring that all authors have read the abstract and agreed to be co-authors.
- A maximum of 10 co-authors are permitted on each abstract. The Scientific Committee may allow more than 10 co-authors in the global and multi-nation study.
- Presenting author and co-author names should be in the format of first name & family name.
- For standardization, the acceptable length of the abstract is a maximum of 300 words. This does not include the author’s details, titles, tables, figures and references.
- The research/abstract that was presented at the ‘Research Day-2022’ is not eligible for submission.
- The research/abstract did not exceed two years since the completion of data collection is eligible to be submitted.
- Kindly, ensure your abstract does not contain spelling, grammar, or scientific mistakes, as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted. Linguistic accuracy is your responsibility.
- Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee based on their novelty, and adherence to the submission guidelines. Afterward, the author(s) will be notified via email address, about whether their abstract has been accepted or rejected.
- Authors retain the copyright to their abstracts but grant permission to the Research-Day organizers to publish the abstracts in the event proceedings and other media-related materials.
- If the presenting author is unable to attend the event due to extenuating circumstances, they may request a substitute presenter to deliver their presentation at least 48 hours prior to the day of presentation.
- Fo the uniformity of posters, the Scientific Committee may modify the abstract content to fit in the poster during formatting.
Event’s code of conduct and regulations:
- Attendees must comply with any further regulations and/or instructions made by the event organizers.
- The corresponding/presenting author of an abstract is ethically obligated to declare any conflicts of interest between authors and members of the evaluation committee. Thus, authors who fail to report currently existing conflicts of interest will be excluded from this year's abstract submission process. In case of conflict of interest, the member of the evaluation committee will be obligated to withdraw from this reviewing said abstract due to conflict of interest.
- Presenting authors must grant permission to the organizing committee to record their images via video, sound, or photographs and authorize to use them in media materials, such materials may be printed or published across all visual, audio, and print media, on websites or on other social media.
Word file should contain following Abstract Content:
- Title: Clearly indicate the nature of the investigation. The abstract title and text may not contain trade names. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to replace trade names in accepted abstracts.
- Introduction: This should contain the background and aim of the study.
- Methods: These should contain sufficient information to be able to understand the experimental design, the analytical techniques, and the statistics used in the study
- Results: This should contain objective data to answer the scientific question(s). A maximum of two total tables OR figures may be submitted with this section. Please be sure to number each table and figure and cite each table and figure in the abstract text.
- Conclusion (or Conclusions): This should provide only conclusions of the study directly supported by the results, along with implications for clinical practice, avoiding speculation and overgeneralization.
- Your abstract may contain two (2) graphics or tables; this can be a combination of the following: two (2) figures OR two (2) tables, OR one (1) figure and one (1) table.
- References: Two scholarly references in the NLM/Vancouver format should be present.
Any questions or concerns regarding the abstract submission process should be directed to the Research-Day Coordinator Dr. Aslam Pathan via email: