Scientific Research Unit
The excellence in the research is one of the core vision of the College of Medicine at Shaqra. Scientific Research Unit established to achieve in research excellence among the faculty members and students. With support from internal and external collaborations, our faculties help spur advancements in a variety of diverse areas ranging from drug discovery and newer management in various ailments and it remains incredibly important that society realizes the benefits of our research that will support the Kingdom vision 2030.
Dr. Aslam Pathan, Ph.D. MANF
Head, Scientific Research Unit
Tasks of the Scientific Research
- Preparing the annual reports and forms for scientific research.
- Executing the tasks or tasks assigned to him by the dean.
- Implementation of the college policy for scientific research and follow-up.
- Supervising the development of research strategy and setting up mechanisms for its implementation in the college
- Coordination with the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University and faculty members and the students of the College of Medicine.
- Review the proposals submitted by the departments for ethical approvals and grants.
- Coordination with scientific societies and research centers, if any, to enhance the college's role in scientific research.
The Research & Development committee reviewed, approved, and prioritized the ‘Research Priorities’ as per following sequence.
- Non-communicable diseases.
- Communicable diseases.
- Maternal & neonatal and congenital disorders.
- Drug design & development: Drugs from laboratory to clinic.
- Patient safety, medical ethics, and health care quality.
- Medical Education
Research Day-2024
Research Day-2023
Research Day-2022
Research Annual Report 2023-2024
Research Annual Report 2023-2024
Research Annual Report 2022-2023
Research Annual Report 2022-2023
Research Annual Report 2021-2022
Academic Year 2021-2022
Research Annual Report 2020-2021
Academic Year 2020-2021
Research Annual Report 2019-2020
Academic Year 2019-2020
Research Annual Report 2018-2019
Academic Year 2018-2019
Research Plan 2022-2023
Research Plan for the Scientific Research Unit
Alignment of Research Plan
Alignment of Strategic goals and objectives of the Scientific Research at Shaqra University with Research Plan of the Scientific Research Unit at College of Medicine, Shaqra
Research Priorities of Scientific Research Unit 2022-2023
Research Priorities
Research Ethical Approval Forms and Procedure
Please follow the forms & procedure constructed by DSR at the University:
Ethical Approval Request Procedure
- Please register with the National Bioethics Committee here:
- Pass the online course provided by the National Bioethics Committee and obtain the certificate.
- Access the Electronic Scientific Research Services Portal here:
- The electronic form should be completed by the researcher (incomplete forms will not be accepted).
- The NCBE certificate along with the supporting documents (Signed Application Form, Signed and Stamped Questionaries, and Signed and Stamped Consent Form) should be attached to the application, depending on the type of study.
- The application is reviewed by the Secretariat of the Committee for Scientific Research Ethics to ensure the necessary requirements are met.
- The application is referred to reviewers to assess its ethical suitability before presenting it to the committee.
- The application is presented to the committee if all the necessary requirements are met and any notes or modifications have been addressed (if applicable).
- The ethical approval decision is issued after completing all the necessary procedures and approval. The principal researcher is electronically notified of the committee's decision through the system.
Research Day-2024
Research Day-2024
The College of Medicine and Scientific Research Unit at Shaqra University organized the Third Research Day for the Medicine students.
Date: 19th May 2024
Venue: Administration Building, Ground Floor, Shaqra University.
Research Day-2023
The College of Medicine and Scientific Research Unit at Shaqra University organized the Second Research Day for the Medicine, Pharmacy & Applied Medical Sciences students.
Date: 04th May 2023
Venue: Administration Building, Ground Floor, Shaqra University.
Live Broadcast link Twitter:
Rector Speech:
Dean Speech:
Brief Video:
Research Day-2022
The Scientific Research Unit at the College of Medicine, Shaqra University Organized the Research Day 2022 for the Medicine students.
Date:30th March 2022
Venue: Administration Building, Ground Floor, Shaqra University.
Twitter Broadcast link for Research Day 2022: s=46&t=AU0GA_7rJdZI7Yl9t-CcQw
Research Day-2023 Proceedings
Research Day-2023 Proceedings:…
Ethical Approval Application 1
Questionnaires Survey Study (Minimal Risk)
Ethical Approval Application 2
Scientific experiments on humans, animals, plants, cell line, or microorganisms
Consent Form (English)
Consent Form should be submitted with Ethical Approval Application
Consent Form (Arabic)
Consent Form should be submitted with Ethical Approval Application