Faculty Development Unit
College of Medicine, at Shaqra University, offers its faculty members variety of faculty development opportunities to support effective teaching and learning.
Thus, faculty development unit is trying to provide professional development opportunities in teaching and learning cum assessment related issues, and or other related matters that affects the quality of teaching and learning. The goal of the Unit is to comply with Vision of the College of Medicine to impart quality education.
Faculty development unit, College of Medicine, at Shaqra University is rendering services via:
Organizing Seminars, Orientations, Workshops, or related activities
These sessions are carried out to:
- improve the quality of teaching and learning and assessment.
- train the faculty in perspective of their continuous development plan and
- develop academic and administrative leaders and enhance their leadership skills.
The college has an adopted mechanism to determine the needs assessment for improvement in teaching and learning as mentioned in following flow chart:
Flowchart: To show mechanism for planning the yearly calendar of activities for the faculty development unit.
The Faculty Development Unit works in liaison with other Units like Assessment Unit, Research Unit, statistical Unit and curriculum wing and other units and authorities of the college for smooth running of its business. The Unit conducts surveys through statistical Unit with a focus on the target audience to frame a precise yearly plan of action.
The Head of Faculty Development Unit operates all these activities with the support of the facilitators and members of the faculty development Unit.
Any information related to the faculty development unit may be addressed to Professor Dr Niaz Ali, the Chairman of the Unit on his university email address: niazali@su.edu.sa