Vision, Message, and Goals
Building a balanced and integrated personality for the students to be loving their country and the leadership, adhering to the noble principles and authentic cultural and social values, and being able to positively interact and compete in their local and world community.
Providing an attractive environment for the student by integrating the educational process with a wide range of high-quality activities, programs, and services.
The Student Activity Unit derives its objectives from the policy and objectives of education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in general, and the objectives of the activities plan of the Agency for Student Activities at the Deanship of Student Affairs, in particular, through the followings:
1 - Instilling the peaceful doctrine based on the Qura’an and the Sunnah of our Prophet and Messenger Muhammad, prayers and peace be upon him.
2 - Confirming the duty of the student in the service of the religion, the king, and the country.
3 – Contributing in building a balanced and integrated character of students to be active members in the community.
4 - Refining the personality of the student through a range of programs, activities and services to be able to have creativity, development and excellence.
5 - Developing the skills of students in the field of talents, creativity and patents.
6 – Raising the awareness of the students about the dangers that may surround them and their community, and stand united and firm against such risks.
7 - Training the students on leadership, obedience and bearing responsibility.
8. Strengthening the social relations between the students themselves, their teachers and their community.
9 - Training the students on how to run a constructive dialogue and to respect for the other opinion.
10 - Training the students on the voluntary works.
11 - Preparing a generation of students which will be able to compete locally, regionally and worldwide.