Receiving applications are open.
Program definition
The program is interested in supporting exceptional research proposals that aim to publish the largest number of high-quality research in addition to finding solutions to the social, medical and technical issues facing the individual's life in line with the university's research strategy and identity.
Program Goals
- Contribute to achieving one of the objectives of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 vision regarding raising the ranking of Saudi universities among the top 200 universities in the international rankings.
- Strengthening the culture of scientific research at the university, supporting and sponsoring distinguished research and increasing its production.
- Motivating faculty members at the university to produce innovative and scientifically distinguished research and to publish in highly efficient publishing vessels.
- Contribute to increasing the citation for the university and the faculty members.
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الدليل الارشادي لبرنامج تمويل الأبحاث الدوري ٢٠٢٥
نموذج التقديم على برنامج الدعم الدوري
نموذج التقديم على برنامج الدعم الدوري
Guidelines for the Periodic Research Funding Program 2025 (Unofficial Translation)
Guidelines for the Periodic Research Funding Program 2025 (Unofficial Translation)
نموذج نهائي لاغلاق المشروع البحثي | Final form for closing the research project
نموذج نهائي لاغلاق المشروع البحثي | Final form for closing the research project